translation missing: cs.modules.title
translation missing: cs.modules.subtitle
translation missing: cs.modules.official
Exposes a GraphQL API to programatically interact with the Decidim platform via HTTP.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAccountability
Adds an accountability section to any participatory space so users can follow along the state of the accepted proposals.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAdmin
Adds an administration dashboard so users can manage their organization and all other entities.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAssemblies
Assemblies are the permanent Decidim's participatory space. They are always "active" so unlike participatory processes, they have no steps or phases.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoBlogs
This component makes possible to add posts ordered by publication time to spaces.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoBudgets
Adds a participatory budgets system to any participatory space.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoComments
The Comments module adds the ability to include comments to any resource which can be commentable by users.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoConferences
This module will be a configurator and generator of Conference pages, understood as a collection of Meetings, with program, inscriptions and categories
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoConsultations
This module creates a new space for decidim to host consultations: debates around critical questions and a proxy for eVoting
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCore
The basics of Decidim: users, organizations, etc. This is the only required engine to run Decidim, all the others are optional.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoDebates
The Debates module adds debate to any participatory process. It adds a CRUD engine to the admin and public view scoped inside the participatory process.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoGenerators
It helps you with generating decidim applications & new components. It provides the decidim executable.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoInitiatives
Initiatives is the place on Decidim's where citizens can promote a civic initiative. Unlike participatory processes that must be created by an administrator, Civic initiatives can be created by any user of the platform.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoMeetings
The Meeting module adds meeting to any participatory space. It adds a CRUD engine to the admin and public view scoped inside the participatory space.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoPages
The Pages module adds static page capabilities to any participatory space. It basically provides an interface to include arbitrary HTML content to any step.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoParticipatory Processes
The main concept of a Decidim installation: participatory processes.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoProposals
The Proposals module adds one of the main components of Decidim: allows users to contribute to a participatory space by creating proposals.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoSortitions
This component makes possible to select randomly a number of proposals among a set of proposals (or a category of proposals within a set) maximizing guarantees of randomness and avoiding manipulation of results by the administrator.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoSurveys
Adds the ability for admins to create arbitrary surveys.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoSystem
This engine adds an administration dashboard so admin can manage a Decidim deploy and its organizations when working in a multi-tenant environment.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoVerifications
Offers several methods for allowing participants to get authorization to perform certain privileged actions. This module implements several of those methods and also offers a way for installation to implement their custom verification methods.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infotranslation missing: cs.modules.develop
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Accountability simple
Simplifies the user interface of the accountability module for clearer display of the results.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAction delegator
Provides extended functionalities for cooperatives. Combines a CSV-like verification method with impersonation capabilities that allow users to delegate some actions to others.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAnalytics
Enables tracking through Matomo and adds a tab in the admin panel showing one Matomo dashboard (or more) of your choice.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAnonymous proposals
Transform proposals component to allow not signed in users creation of proposals. For this the proposals created anonymously will be linked with a special anonymous users group. There is a task to create/update anonymous groups in organizations explained in Installation section.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAntivirus
A Decidim module to add antivirus checks as validations for Decidim's public file uploads, e.g. for proposals.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoBudgeting pipeline
Improves the budgeting component's voting feature by providing a budgeting pipeline which guides the user through the budgeting process.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoBudgets Enhanced
Enhanced Budget component . Allow assigining a color for each budgets category.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCalendar
This Decidim module enable a multitenant global calendar for Consultations, Debates, External Events, Meetings and Participatory Processes. Giving a snapshot of all current activities in a calendar view form.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCastings
Cast a committee composition based on the list of people
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoChallenges
Articulates the collective action of diverse actors in order to address common and shared challenges and the problems that derive from them across the territory.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCombined Budgeting
A Decidim module that makes it possible to combine the budget voting from different components to a single combined voting process to streamline the voting process. This will also hide all other parts of the participatory space page except for the voting feature itself to make it easier to understand for the users.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoComparative Stats
This module works by connecting to several Decidim API's. Just go to your and add endpoints to compare. For instance, Decidim Barcelona endpoint is
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoComparative stats
Allows to compare different Decidim sites by accessing their GraphQL API and generate graphs.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCookies
Provide a cookies banner using Orejime (empreinte-digitale/orejime).
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoDataViz (PAM)
The Dataviz module adds the PAM data visualizations to any participatory process but it is intended to be used just for the PAM participatory process.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoDecidim Awesome
Usability and UX tweaks for Decidim. This plugin allows the administrators to expand the possibilities of Decidim beyond some existing limitations. All tweaks are provided in a optional fashion with granular permissions that let the administrator to choose exactly where to apply those mods. Some tweaks can be applied to any assembly, other in an specific participatory process or even in type of component only.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoDepartment Admin
This module produces a new "department admin" role which allows a User to administer the ParticipatorySpaces of a given Area.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoEnhanced textwork
The EnhancedTextwork module allows users to contribute to participatory textwork. They can support text-paragraphs, amend them, comment on them and discuss among each other. This module is based on decidim-proposals and was developed to improve the existing participatory_texts functionality to better suit specific needs for participatory textwork.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoFavorites
Provides the possibility to add any objects (proposals, plans, projects, results, etc.) to user's personal favorites. This is a technical module that adds this ability to Decidim but the favorites functionality needs to be manually added to the individual models and the favorite buttons need to be added to the views.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoFeedback
Provides the possibility to attach feedback modals to any section of the site and attach the feedbacks to specific objects on the site. This is a technical module that adds this ability to Decidim but the feedback functionality needs to be manually added and configured to the individual views in order to use it.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoHomepage interactive map
Displays an interactive map on homepage.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoInitiatives No Signature Allowed
Allow a user to create an initiative that do not collect signatures.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoJitsi Meetings
Allows to deploy public or private videoconference rooms of any jitsi server in participative processes and assemblies.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoNavbar Links
NavbarLinks adds a custom link to your decidim menu.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoNavigation Maps
Allows to map processes to image parts using maps.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoPetitions
Add functionality to work with DECODE petitions. To use this module you need to have at least running Credentials Issuer API and Petition API from DECODE project. The user needs to have the DECODE mobile application.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoPlans
A Decidim module that provides a new component that can be added to any participatory space in Decidim. The component allows users to write plans together that link to specific proposals. Further on these plans can be converted to budgeting projects once the process moves to budgeting.
translation missing:
This module adds an iframe to embed a conversation.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoProcess groups content block
Adds a process groups content block to your Decidim instance to be used on the home page of the app.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoSimple proposal
Provides a simplified proposal creation. This module overrides core functionality of decidim-proposals and can cause unexpected side effects!
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoTags
Provides the possibility to add tags to any records, e.g. proposals, users, results, etc. This is a technical module that adds this ability to Decidim but the tags functionality needs to be manually added to the individual models, the tags input needs to be added to the editing views and the tags display needs to be added to the record views. This module provides you all the tools to add these elements to the user interface.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoTerm Customizer
A Decidim module to customize the localized terms in the system. The module allows administrators to add "translation sets" through the admin panel which contain customized terms for any module in the system. These sets can be applied against different scopes within the system, e.g. the whole system, participatory space scope (e.g. all participatory processes or a specific participatory process) or a specific component within a participatory space.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoTime tracker
Allows to track time dedicated by volunteers doing any arbitrary task.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoURL Aliases
Allow admins to create url aliases for resources within a Decidim::ParticipatorySpace. The module is based on the Redirector gem and creates an interface for admins to manage redirect rules. Redirect rules have two parts: the source defines how to match the incoming request path and the destination is where to send the visitor if the match is made.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infotranslation missing: cs.modules.auth
API auth
Add JWT token based API authentication possibility to Decidim. The API authentication module provides a new endpoint for API authentication and a method to check for an active authentication token header for each request.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAccess Codes
Provides a new verification method that allows system administrators to define new verification workflows where the admins can provide access to specific users by sending them an access code. This module does not itself register any verification workflows because these access code workflows are generally specific to the system in question. For example, if the admins want to provide access only for specific users to add new proposals in a specific participatory space, they can define a new workflow for that.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoAge Action Authorization
A Decidim based action authorization to check user's age inside actions. The Decidim Default Action Authorizer only allows comparing items that are equal to an expected value. This authorization checks a metadata field named birthday in the AuthorizationHandler used and compares the value against a minimum age defined in the provided JSON for the action authorizer. The JSON field is named edad.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCentral Authentication Service (CAS)
Integration of CAS login and verification.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoCustom CSV Census
Allow uploading a CSV file to perform verifications against data that can be configured at installation level. It is inspired in Decidim File Authorization Handler gem and based on the Decidim::Verifications module.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoDirect Verifications
A Decidim that provides a verification method called Direct verification. Works only on the admin side, final users do not intervene in the verification process.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoDonations
A plugin to allow donations and verify users with them. Currently supports PayPal Express Checkout but more payment methods can be easily added.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoExtra User Fields
Allows to collect and manage some extra user fields on registration and profile edition.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoFile Authorization Handler
Allows admin users to upload a CSV file containing Document IDs and birthdates to a given organization. This information is used by a Decidim authorization handler to authorize real users.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoIdCat mòbil
User registration, login and verification through IdCat mòbil, an authentication method that uses OAuth 2.0 protocol. IdCat mòbil is an identity validator from VÀLid (Validador d'Identitats del Consorci AOC).
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoLDAP
A decidim package to provide user authentication via LDAP. Once is active for an organization, it is imposible to signup. Adds a new tab in the Decidim System admin panel that allows to create LDAP configurations for every organization. Different config parameters can be configured for every organization.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoMPASSId
A Decidim module to add MPASSid authentication to Decidim as a way to authenticate and authorize the users.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoMS Active Directory (AD)
Add Microsoft Active Directory (AD) authentication to Decidim as a way to authenticate and authorize the users.
translation missing:
A Decidim module to add strong authentication to Decidim as a way to authenticate and authorize the users.
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoVerifications Omniauth
Add two new options for the verifications workflow: CSAM which is the official Identity Providers (IDP) from the Belgian Government and SAML for generic integration with external Identity Providers (IDP)
translation missing: cs.modules.more_infoČasto kladené otázky
Co může účastník (uživatel) Decidim dělat?
Decidim umožňuje tisícům lidí demokraticky se organizovat prostřednictvím návrhů, účastnit se veřejných setkání, podpora rozhodovacích jednání, rozhodování prostřednictvím různých forem hlasování a sledování provádění rozhodnutí.
Co to znamená, že Decidim je zdarma, "svobodný" a s otevřenými zdroji?
Decidim je platforma pro účast občanů a lidí. Jeho zdrojový kód je otevřený a může být kýmkoliv kontrolován, upraven a vylepšen. Aplikace Decidim je pokryta licencí AGPL. To znamená, že jej můžete používat, upravovat a šířit odvozené verze, pokud respektujete licenci AGPL.
Co je Sociální smlouva?
Takto nazýváme náš Kodex demokratických záruk a demokratické spolupráce. Všichni členové komunity musí schválit Sociální smlouvu.
Co je to Decidim asociace?
"Asociacion de Software Libre Decidim" (Decidim Free Software Association) je demokratické sdružení pro správu komunity Decidim.