
Legal notice

Who we are

You are accessing the website of Associació de Software Lliure Decidim ("Decidim", "Us" or "We") available through the web domain (hereinafter, the "Website"), domiciled in Sant Adria, Number 20 Fabrica de Creacio, Fabra I Coats, Barcelona, 08030, Spain and ID number G67401174.

You can contact us at:


The purpose of this Website is to provide general information to the public about Decidim, its activities and technology, consisting in a free open-source participatory democracy platform for cities and organizations, and the management of the Decidim community generated around the world from our collaborative technology allowing the development of citizen and associative projects with greater social participation. You may freely test the Decidim platform with our online demo.

The purpose of the terms of use of this Legal Notice is to govern the permitted use of this Website and the services and/or contents hosted in accordance with the Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and other applicable legal provisions.

Website use

The access to this Website is free. No application form is required for browsing the information and/or contents of this Website in general terms. Otherwise, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

By accessing and using the Website, You are accepting the terms of use of this Legal Notice and You undertake to make proper, diligent and lawful use of the Website and, in particular: (i) use the Website for its intended purposes, i.e. information about our services, you will refrain from using the Website or its contents for illegal purposes, or for purposes that go against public order, morality and good customs; (ii) respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website and its contents, as well as all rights that correspond to Decidim; (iii) not to reproduce, copy, convert, modify, distribute, publicly display or make available to the public the Website or any of its content or any modification thereof; (iv) You shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered by Decidim due to a direct or indirect misuse by You of the Website, the provisions of the "Legal Texts" (collectively referred to, this Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy) and the applicable legislation.

Industrial and Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights over the contents of this Website including, but not limited to, images, trademarks, logos, distinctive signs, sounds and animations, texts, sound, visual or audiovisual recordings and databases are the property of Decidim or its licensors and are protected by national and international laws. Such rights are reserved in favor of Decidim and/or its licensors. The reproduction, copying, public communication, distribution, modification, transformation, elimination, manipulation and any other use, including the extraction and reuse, whether for profit or not, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, of all or part of this Website or any of its contents, is expressly prohibited without the prior express written authorization of Decidim. We may take any legal and/or extrajudicial action it deems appropriate in the event of a possible violation of these rights.


Decidim is not responsible for third party web pages that can be accessed from the Website, nor for the accuracy, veracity and validity of the information on the Website that is not of its own elaboration. However, pursuant to article 17 of Law 34/2002, in the event that Decidim becomes aware of the unlawfulness of such content or links, it undertakes to remove or disable them, as well as, where appropriate, to block any content that may be unlawful or violate the rights of any third party, in accordance with articles 11 and 16 of the aforementioned Law.

Furthermore, Decidim is not responsible for any damage that may occur due to failures or misconfigurations in the browser installed by the user on his computer. Decidim is not responsible for any incident or technical failure caused by the user's connection to the Internet.

Decidim will use its best efforts to effect, in the shortest period of time, updates and corrections of errors and deficiencies, including those occurring in the access and/or connection to the Website and/or its contents, but does not warrant the absence of interruptions, errors in the connection and/or access to the Website and update of its contents.

You are liable for your use of and access to the Website. Decidim shall not be liable for the presence of viruses nor for security errors neither for the damages that may be caused to your devices or to the files or documents stored in such devices for the access and/or connection to the Website, neither for the damages caused to third parties by means of illegal intromissions out of Decidim control.

Decidim shall not be liable for the breach of your obligations You accept when accessing this Website which are contained in this Legal Notice and, in particular, shall not be liable for any infringement of the intellectual property rights, copyright, advertising and image rights, or any other rights with regard to the goods and rights of any third party.


Decidim may modify this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and/or any other text of contractual nature applicable to this Website without previous notice. Such modifications shall be effective at the moment of its publication on the Website.

Decidim may also terminate or suspend the services of the Website at any time. Whenever is possible, Decidim will warn/alert previously about such termination or suspension through this Website.

Personal Data

Your personal data collected on our Website or when you contact us through the contact form or by sending an email will be treated strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


This Website does not use cookies. More information in our Privacy Policy.

Governing law and jurisdiction

Our Legal Texts, including this Legal Notice and our Privacy Policy, is governed by Spanish law. The courts of the city of Barcelona will be competent to decide any dispute arising from the use of our Website.

Last update: February 2022.

Preguntes més freqüents
Què significa que Decidim sigui gratuït, lliure i de codi obert?

Decidim és una plataforma de participació ciutadana feta per persones i per a persones. El seu codi font és obert i pot ser inspeccionat, modificat i millorat per qualsevol. El programari Decidim està cobert per la llicència AGPL. Això vol dir que el pots utilitzar, modificar i redistribuir les seves versions derivades, sempre que respectis la llicència AGPL.

Amb quina freqüència hi ha actualitzacions de la plataforma?

Cada mes, aproximadament, alliberem una nova versió. En aquest enllaç pots consultar l'històric de versions.

Tinc molts dubtes, de tot tipus...on els puc plantejar o resoldre?

La millor manera d'intentar resoldre àgilment els teus dubtes és a través de la comunitat Metadecidim. Entra ara en el procés “Fòrum de Suport” i fixa't si el teu dubte existeix o si ha estat resolt i en cas contrari entra per realitzar consultes. Si no aconsegueixes resoldre el teu assumpte en aquest espai, potser és moment de contactar amb nosaltres a través del formulari de contacte.

Puc participar en la comunitat Metadecidim encara que no resideixi a Barcelona?

Decidim és un projecte que neix a Barcelona i és per això que hi ha un vincle territorial fort amb aquest ciutat. Però sí, pots col·laborar en línia, a través dels processos participatius, debats, etc…que proporcionem en Metadecidim. Encara que potser vulguis venir a Barcelona alguna vegada :)

translation missing: ca.demo.strong — Coneix i prova lliurement la plataforma Decidim amb la demo en línia. Demo en línia